Thursday, July 21, 2005

Peace of mind

I really want to have peace of mind…I don’t know…I am so confused…I got to think a lot of things...I am bothered by many things….wew!!!

I want to go to a place where I can be all by myself. A place where no one will give me a ring…where no one can call my name…where no one will talk to me…where no one will wake me up…where I can sleep the whole day.

I tried to stay late at night so to have the quietness but it took me to hell…got a head ache! I tried talking to a friend and just tell her how I feel but just the same…I tried to sleep but there’s a lot of things waiting to be done out there!

I want to run away…I want to leave home and never tell them where I’ll be. I want to go near the sea and just look up the sky. I want to climb a mountain and be there on top and just simply sit down and shout if I feel like shouting.

I really want to be alone this time…I don’t know why. May be I’m just too tired or stressed. I want to unload. Ooopsss! One thing I forgot to do…I’ll talk to Him!


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