Friday, May 27, 2005

Things I should be thankful for!

After having conversation with a friend last night I learned and realized a lot of things in my life. And I really have a lot of things to be thankful for. I am thankful because...
  1. I have a family of my own...God is good for giving me 2 special gifts...Richard and Jennard who became my very reason to smile, live and work hard.
  2. I have parents who were able to work hard to give us a comfortable living, education and foundation.
  3. I have beautiful, smart and creative sisters who I can always count on everytime I need them even sometimes we have misunderstading. But the bonding is always there.
  4. I am blessed for having wonderful nephews...(wala pa niece)...they are all handsome...hehehehe
  5. I have very supportive relatives who always give assistance and guidance.
  6. I'm glad that though I don't live in a very whopping house, I am living happily with the people I love...with my family.
  7. Chard and I vowed ourselves for a lifetime commitment at the Manila Cathedral and we had our first meal as couple with our friends and relatives at the Great Eastern Hotel.
  8. Even if I do not have the means to spend for the luxury of life, I am contented with what I have and with all the efforts I am exerting to have a clean, decent and fruitful living.
  9. I'm glad that even though I do not own a title, a crown or a big name, still, other people appreciate me for who I am, for what I have and for all the things I've done.
  10. I'm happy that other people notice my achievements, accomplishments, my abilities and capabilities...that I don't have to compete with other people or create a scene only to be noticed.
  11. I have a decent job which I can be proud of.
  12. I stand 5'5" tall and no need for diet to be sexy or slim.
  13. Other people consider me having a pleasant personality.
  14. My husband also has a decent job.
  15. I have a very makulit, malikot son but definitely smart, bright and handsome.
  16. Though I do not have a huge number of friends, I am proud to have two best friends...Noemi and Chona...who never forget to remember me even we have different sets of friends, a life distinct from each other and they are just a call and a text away everytime I need them.
  17. I am also grateful that I have ate Flor who I can say a friend, sister, mother and grandmother! hehehehe!!!
  18. I'm also thankful for having a few close friends in the office who (I think) are loyal and trustworthy.
  19. Even I don't have a car of my own, I manage to travel to different places enjoying the company of my family.
  20. It's a blessing that I became a member of the Arzobispado family. Through this office, I've been to places I've never been before. Aside from the financial benefits, the most beautiful of all is the spiritual growth and enrichment.
  21. In the office, I'm grateful having a very kind, generous, understanding and considerate director.
  22. I am also thankful that the office allowed me to discover other talents that I have and which I can consider an additional knowlege.
  23. I can design a website.
  24. I am able to express myself through poems and essay.
  25. I know the basic of newswriting.
  26. Even we have economic crisis, still, I am thankful that my family manages to surpass all of these.
  27. I am thankful that I have a collection of clothes, shoes and bags (from brandless to branded)
  28. I have the capacity to draw and design clothes.
  29. I had the chance to learn how to drive.
  30. I will have a new celfone coming (with camera hhuh!)
  31. I can dance to every beat of music.
  32. I can sing (a little least) but to my husband's voice is a sweet music.
  33. I can swim, play volleyball, table tennis, badminton, basketball and bowling.
  34. I am good in Scrabble and Word Factory.
  35. Despite of the price hike, we still manage to eat in a sozy and cozy resto and eat the foods we like.
  36. Despite of the stress and tiring work in the office, I still have the time to decorate and clean our house during weekends.
  37. I still have the time to laundry and iron our clothes
  38. Even I am not good in cooking, my Shrimpy still likes to eat the foods I cook.
  39. I have a father who allows us to use his FX and sometimes brings us to where we will go and even fetches us after. Also he allows us to use his Citibank.
  40. I have a mother who washes our clothes when I am tired from work; who cooks food for us, etc. and who takes care of Jennard when I am not around and when my mother in law is not available.
  41. I have a mother in law who also takes care of Jennard when I am not around and when my mother is not available.
  42. Richard and I have been to different places through his ever reliable "scooter".
  43. My baby will be an incoming day care student
  44. We will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary.
  45. Me, Chard and Jennard still have time to talk, play, watch and make pasyal even after work.
  46. I'm glad that Richard and I were able to invest on appliances through our own efforts.
  47. We eat not just 3x a day.
  48. I am a computer literate (at least).
  49. Chard and I had petty quarrels but we kiss and make up after.
  50. Chard is still very sweet and caring.
  51. I have a very colorful life.
  52. and so the list goes on and on....(wait for the next list...)

So start counting your blessings...and be thankful to the Lord!


Blogger Dima Dupéré said...

Have you ever read THE GREATEST MIRACLE IN THE WORLD by Og Mandino - your gratitude list reminds me of the section at the end of his book.

11:59 AM  

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