Thursday, June 09, 2005

Celebrating 4 years of ups and downs


Ched and Jheng Posted by Hello

Ched and I will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary as husband and wife on the 10th of June. Time really flies fast. I never thought we will reach this far. For me it is an achievement. There are some couples who ended up crying, regreting and wishing to start their lives again after marriage. But look at where we are now? Four years is not a joke...we've been through a lot of things (good and bad) before we reach this stage. Our marriage is not always sailing smoothly on the sea. Sometimes we traveled the rocky road and attempted to look for shortcuts. We fought over things that were often times non-sense, petty and sometimes had heated arguments. We kiss and make up and managed to remain sweet and caring to each other. Our marriage is not just a moment of laughter and fun. There were times that we wanted to give up. But after we thought of the things we fought for, the happy moments we shared together and the things that happened and came to us, we realized that those were just challenges in life. We struggle hard, cried a lot and sacrificed so much and that we never want to give up instead hold on to each other's arm as firm as we can. There were some who judged us that we will never make it. Others wanted to destroy us. But God has His own way and will. The most beautiful thing that keeps us going is our angel...our son...Jennard! and of course having great faith to God also made us stood firm and brave passing the test of time. I am hoping and praying that we will still be together until our hairs turn gray and still sitting beside each other holding hands just before the sun sets...


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