Friday, May 27, 2005

Things I should be thankful for!

After having conversation with a friend last night I learned and realized a lot of things in my life. And I really have a lot of things to be thankful for. I am thankful because...
  1. I have a family of my own...God is good for giving me 2 special gifts...Richard and Jennard who became my very reason to smile, live and work hard.
  2. I have parents who were able to work hard to give us a comfortable living, education and foundation.
  3. I have beautiful, smart and creative sisters who I can always count on everytime I need them even sometimes we have misunderstading. But the bonding is always there.
  4. I am blessed for having wonderful nephews...(wala pa niece)...they are all handsome...hehehehe
  5. I have very supportive relatives who always give assistance and guidance.
  6. I'm glad that though I don't live in a very whopping house, I am living happily with the people I love...with my family.
  7. Chard and I vowed ourselves for a lifetime commitment at the Manila Cathedral and we had our first meal as couple with our friends and relatives at the Great Eastern Hotel.
  8. Even if I do not have the means to spend for the luxury of life, I am contented with what I have and with all the efforts I am exerting to have a clean, decent and fruitful living.
  9. I'm glad that even though I do not own a title, a crown or a big name, still, other people appreciate me for who I am, for what I have and for all the things I've done.
  10. I'm happy that other people notice my achievements, accomplishments, my abilities and capabilities...that I don't have to compete with other people or create a scene only to be noticed.
  11. I have a decent job which I can be proud of.
  12. I stand 5'5" tall and no need for diet to be sexy or slim.
  13. Other people consider me having a pleasant personality.
  14. My husband also has a decent job.
  15. I have a very makulit, malikot son but definitely smart, bright and handsome.
  16. Though I do not have a huge number of friends, I am proud to have two best friends...Noemi and Chona...who never forget to remember me even we have different sets of friends, a life distinct from each other and they are just a call and a text away everytime I need them.
  17. I am also grateful that I have ate Flor who I can say a friend, sister, mother and grandmother! hehehehe!!!
  18. I'm also thankful for having a few close friends in the office who (I think) are loyal and trustworthy.
  19. Even I don't have a car of my own, I manage to travel to different places enjoying the company of my family.
  20. It's a blessing that I became a member of the Arzobispado family. Through this office, I've been to places I've never been before. Aside from the financial benefits, the most beautiful of all is the spiritual growth and enrichment.
  21. In the office, I'm grateful having a very kind, generous, understanding and considerate director.
  22. I am also thankful that the office allowed me to discover other talents that I have and which I can consider an additional knowlege.
  23. I can design a website.
  24. I am able to express myself through poems and essay.
  25. I know the basic of newswriting.
  26. Even we have economic crisis, still, I am thankful that my family manages to surpass all of these.
  27. I am thankful that I have a collection of clothes, shoes and bags (from brandless to branded)
  28. I have the capacity to draw and design clothes.
  29. I had the chance to learn how to drive.
  30. I will have a new celfone coming (with camera hhuh!)
  31. I can dance to every beat of music.
  32. I can sing (a little least) but to my husband's voice is a sweet music.
  33. I can swim, play volleyball, table tennis, badminton, basketball and bowling.
  34. I am good in Scrabble and Word Factory.
  35. Despite of the price hike, we still manage to eat in a sozy and cozy resto and eat the foods we like.
  36. Despite of the stress and tiring work in the office, I still have the time to decorate and clean our house during weekends.
  37. I still have the time to laundry and iron our clothes
  38. Even I am not good in cooking, my Shrimpy still likes to eat the foods I cook.
  39. I have a father who allows us to use his FX and sometimes brings us to where we will go and even fetches us after. Also he allows us to use his Citibank.
  40. I have a mother who washes our clothes when I am tired from work; who cooks food for us, etc. and who takes care of Jennard when I am not around and when my mother in law is not available.
  41. I have a mother in law who also takes care of Jennard when I am not around and when my mother is not available.
  42. Richard and I have been to different places through his ever reliable "scooter".
  43. My baby will be an incoming day care student
  44. We will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary.
  45. Me, Chard and Jennard still have time to talk, play, watch and make pasyal even after work.
  46. I'm glad that Richard and I were able to invest on appliances through our own efforts.
  47. We eat not just 3x a day.
  48. I am a computer literate (at least).
  49. Chard and I had petty quarrels but we kiss and make up after.
  50. Chard is still very sweet and caring.
  51. I have a very colorful life.
  52. and so the list goes on and on....(wait for the next list...)

So start counting your blessings...and be thankful to the Lord!

Monday, May 16, 2005

A text message from Noemi

I don't feel good this morning because my headache is too painful plus I can't bear the humidity hot...this is the hottest summer in my whole life...Eneweiz, while I'm lying on my bed, I received a text message from Noemi, my everdearest best friend for 12 years. This is one of the beautiful text messages that I received from her. Here it goes...

"When Jesus Seems far, it might be He is just deeply hidden in your heart. Dig deep in prayer and find him there."

I guess this is a good reminder for me to always pray to Him not just in times of need but everyday...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A song for Jennard

When I learned about this blog blah blah...I started to think that it's a great way to organize all the thoughts that I've written and all the others ideas at the back of my mind. And becasue of this, I want to post the lyrics of the song that I composed for my son...

I love you Jennard, you’re my only one.
I love you Jennard, you’re my precious one.

You make my life complete and sweet
A smile you put on my face.

You brightened up my everyday.
And take those tears away.

You put colors into my world.
I’ll treasure it till I grow old.

I Love You Jennard
I Love You so…

I Love You Jennard
Oh, I Love You so…

Lyrics and Music by :
Mommy Fish

I always sing this song to him every time he goes to sleep or if he cannot sleep...and if sometimes I fail to sing it..he will be the one to remind me. I hope he will still remember this song even if he is old...through this song I want him to know and to feel that I am grateful that he came into my life and that I love him very much...

Thursday, May 12, 2005


This morning I checked my friendster and found out the new blog name (METANOIA) of my dearest friend Don. I read the blog entitled I believe. Yup, I strongly believe in forgiveness because it drives you closer to the Lord. It is in forgiveness that you become humble and you receive peace of mind. It is in forgiveness that you can show other people your love.

No matter how painful the pain is, we should always have a soft spot in our hearts and it is forgiveness.

It is true that it is hard to ask for forgiveness and to forgive but it doesn't make you less of a person. Remember how great is the love of Christ for us...He suffered and died on the cross to forgive and redeem us from our sins.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Lost and found: little boy JENNARD

It was Saturday morning when Ched, Jennard and I decided to take our breakfast at Jollibee, Welcome Rotonda. Ched wore his uniform while Jennard and I wore our pambahay…

We ate and made kwentuhan and deciding whether to go to SM Bacoor (coz it’s their 3 day super sale!) and then go to Mark and Min’s house and stay there overnight...

After having our breakfast, I decided to go to SM Manila with Jennard to buy the bag which I saw the other day…so we went to SM Manila and still we were with Ched because he was heading the way to Park and Ride. I was so hesitant that time whether to go to SM Manila or to SM Bacoor…but then I decided to go with Ched going to SM Bacoor and feel the moment with the two handsome guys in the world…(my husband and son, of course!)

my son Jennard Posted by Hello

At long last we reached SM Bacoor…Ched went his way to his office while Jennard and I went our way window shopping…

Wow!!! There were so many people inside the mall…not only because it was a 3 day sale but because people came in to make palamig because it was really hot outside…

Yup! Jennard was also very excited and he knows where he will take me…to the toy kingdom…it is his favorite place every time we go to SM. I was looking at the different shirts at Mossimo and he kept on saying “Mommy, mommy, lika na, bili mo na ako ng mga animals! Sige na…” Then I’ll tell him, “sandali lang baby, tingin muna is mommy damit ha…” but he kept on pulling my hand and said “sige na bili mo na ako ng animals.”

Weww! Ang mga bata nga naman! So, we went to Toy Kingdom and as usual I bought Bam his favorite…animals…I bought him that big lion and that small frogs which he like so much…he can’t wait and wanted to play immediately with his new toys…

But of course, since I am his mother “ako ang nasunod!” We roamed around the mall and entered one boutique after the other. I was holding his hand tight so he could not get off my hand.

When we entered MINT, I was looking for some blouses that will fit me while holding Bam’s hand…may be he was tired of walking he said “mommy uwi na tayo” and then he ran and get off my hand and walked towards the exit…I hurriedly run after him. I can still see him walk holding the bag of the toy which I bought him. Until a girl bumped at me and passed across me. In a wink I lost sight of him…

I run and said “Jennard…Jennard….San ka na?” while I was looking for him. There was no response…again I said “Nard, anak, nasaan ka?” while I keep on looking for him. My God! I can’t see my son. I began to perspire hot…I wanted to cry but there were no tears that fell down…I began to panic…I looked like Sisa that time…I ask every people I came across with...nakita nyo ba yung anak ko? Naka kulay blue siya na strifes.” I wasn’t in myself that time…I was helpless and I really don’t know what to do…I thought I lost Jennard…I was crying then…I walked some more steps and finally I saw my boy…oh my baby!!!

I can’t forget the way he looked that moment! I saw him standing in front of a woman and a little boy who were talking to him asking where his mother was…he was crying while he was holding the bag of toys and he was saying “mommy, mommy, mommy.”

I felt relieved after I saw him and I hurriedly embraced him and said “akala ko di na kita makikita,”…I embraced him tight…very, very tight! He stopped crying while I embraced him. Then I told him “ayan ha…wag ka nang bibitaw kay mommy” and he nodded.

As we walked through the hallways of the mall, he was holding my hand so tight. He never got off my hand and I’ve noticed that he looked at me every now and then…

Wow! This one made me really very nervous…akala ko maloloka na ako…but then I whispered to God “thank you Lord I found him…”

This was a lesson for me…great lesson…also to Jennard though he is only 3…but this boy is very bright…smart kahit makulit!!!

I love him so much….I love Jennard very much!