Wednesday, June 18, 2008


How many of us understand the meaning of forgiveness? How many of us know how to forgive? How many of us can let go of pain, grudges and revenge? How many of us can love the person who caused us pain, who hurt us, who let us suffer, who disappoints us? How many of us can love our enemies? How many of us can ask for forgiveness?

In today’s Gospel (June 17, 2008 -
Mt 5:43-48), Jesus taught us about forgiveness. He speaks of gentleness, of compassion and happiness. When we ask for forgiveness, we should be sincere, real and true to ourselves. When we ask for forgiveness it should come from the heart. A person who asks for forgiveness just for the sake of being forgiven is not far from a devil who hides himself under the mask of an angel. And when we grant forgiveness our hearts should be free from anger and hatred.

We forgive because it is what our hearts say. We do not forgive and afterwards give condition telling him/her “I forgive you but do not do it again.” There is no guarantee that the person will not do it again and again. We forgive because that is what the Lord taught us. And even up to this day, we are still being taught of forgiveness.

It is through forgiving that we can have inner peace and happiness. I know it is not easy to forgive and forget, but a person who knows how to forgive have often experienced how to be forgiven most especially by the Lord.

We are capable of forgiving because the Lord always forgives our sins and wrong doings. There is no other reason why we forgive but the Lord God. He alone is the reason that is why we are called to “be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

In his homily, Fr. Genie Diwa said, “only a humble heart knows how to forgive.” I always believe that humility is a virtue. A person who humbles himself/herself and is willing to admit that he/she is wrong is a person who symbolizes Christ. And I know that the Almighty Father is always with him/her.

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