Friday, May 15, 2009

Unless we become a mother...

We will never realize how it feels to be a mom unless we become a mother...

We will never feel the pains and joys of a mother unless we experience to cry and laugh with our own children...

We will never know when a mother is happy and depress unless we share in our own family's victory and defeat...

We can never speak of the sufferings and merriment of a mother unless we have seen ourselves standing still, smiling despite the struggles and burdens of daily life...

We can never talk of a mother's hopes and dreams unless we have watched our own children grow in obedience and kindness and fear in the Lord...

We can never brag how proud a mother can be unless we have nurtured our own children with values and virtues of Christ and Mary and in time seeing our children doing the same things to their own families...

We can never express the love and care of a mother to her husband unless we have submitted ourselves to them, become faithful to them and promise them to love them until the time they both have to lay down and rest...

We will never learn how it is to become a true mother unless we give our self...our heart and our life to the very reason why we are living...our family!


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