Get together
Wew! After almost 4 months of not seeing each other (but we often communicate) at last we got the chance
of getting together again. Last March 19, Chona, Jordi and I had our get together. It was a fun and happy day for us. As usual I was late at the said time and Chona was already there when I arrived. So, we started eating the palabok Jordi had prepared for us. We told stories of our lives (imagine, Chona forgot the day I accompanied her to PIER when
she went home to Bohol...kaasar!). We also shared dreams (Jordi's wedding day...Chona's assignment in Europe - ooppss, CHONA don't forget to send money for Jordi's wedding and for Jennard's birthday - and of course during Chris
tmas) and me, working abroad and later meet with Chona in Europe (dreams! dreams! dreams!). And mostly laying our plans for the future...
Part of the get together was to reminisce the past - our college days. There were so much laughter
(at least none of us cried) and of course smile in
our face. Jordi brought out our old pictures where we really look like "mga nene." Chona, still in her curly hairs (hahaha!!!), jordi with her favorite white hand bag (still handling it with poise) and me with my slender body. We were still in our Jologs days then...(t
ampuhan dahil sa thesis - remember mo jordi?, hangout at Colayco park, okrayan at Tinoko Park and meeting blah blah blah at the Pavilion, and the list goes on and on...)
But now, we changed a lot (physically,
emotionally, spiritually, mentally and morally). But I believe there is one thing that never changed in us...our friendship...
Maybe for sometime w
e all parted ways and journeyed lives with other people but if we alwyas have each other in our hearts, memories wont fade easily. i know the friendship is always there...there are many ways in which we can communicate, and if you truly desire it you will definitely have it.
I hope this will happen often...I'm glad I found these two creatures (hehehehe - snow white and cinderella). And I'll always be thankful that they are my friends!!!
Daddy's 60th birthday
Last February 26, my dad celebrated his 60th birthday. Being at 60, I believe he had achieved so much in his life. He was able to work hard for his family. He is a good provider and a good father. Well, there is no perfect daddy…he too had his shortcomings but we’ve seen how he battled to have his children a quality education, a decent life and managed to help his children become a better person.
We had a mini celebration on his birthday. All of us were there except for my ate Joy who is in Saudi Arabia. She just ga
ve birth to EIA. Also, Joan was not there because she has a lot of things to do at work but she was able to treat Dad, Mom, Janelle and Nica at a fine resto in Makati. She also gave dad P2K, a nice polo, socks, hanky and brief. The same with ate Joy, he gave dad money.
Tita Helen bought Lechon. Chard and I bought the biggest size of chocolate cake at Goldilocks and 2 half gallons of ice cream and puto. Mommy prepared all the “ulam” that were served. Tita Babes prepared the “pulutan” for the inuman session. Mark and Min bought all the POP Colas that we drunk.

The celebration was simple yet it brought certain joy and happiness to us. And what made it happier was all of his grandchildren were there…playing, running after the other, shouting (magugulo, makukulit, malilikot – but that’s the thought of it!). I wish dad a more meaningful and fruitful year ahead. May he always has his family in his heart…also we thank you for all the things you have done for us…we love you!
Reflection to the Gospel of Matthew
What I feel right now is actually not related to what I’ve posted here. I felt a little anger of a few things but today’s Gospel gave me somewhat a “relief” and totally took away my anger after hearing the homily of Fr. Regie Malicdem. It was very well said and it really made me realized a lot of things especially when asking for something from the Lord. The Gospel is according to Matthew 7:7-12 and here it is…
Jesus said to his disciples:“Ask and it will be given to you;seek and you will find;knock and the door will be opened to you.For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which one of you would hand his son a stonewhen he asked for a loaf of bread,or a snake when he asked for a fish?If you then, who are wicked,know how to give good gifts to your children,how much more will your heavenly Father give good thingsto those who ask him.“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.”
The first few lines struck me the most. It is very true that the when we ask, it will be given to us; when we seek and we shall find it; and when we knock the door will be opened for us. The Lord is always listening to our prayers. His hands are always available anytime we need it. He always answers our prayers because He is just too close to us. He is just around.
Sometimes we get too tired and we always hurry things up. We give up if we feel God will not grant us our request. We just have to remember that God always answers our prayers. We just have to wait. The Lord knows everything for us. He knows what is good for us. He answers our prayers in His ways and for sure it will be best for us. He will not give us blessings we do not ask or something that will cause us harm or pain. He will not give us a burden that we cannot carry. And if God answers our prayers with a NO, it doesn’t mean He does not care. It only denotes that it is not good for us.
Sometimes, too, He gives us more than what we ask for. If we receive so many blessings in our lives, we must learn how to share it with those who need it. If the Lord showers us with good things, it will be kind if we give space for the needy to sleep in a bed of roses. What we do to others, we do it to the Lord. It is in giving and sharing that we express our love to God and in the same way it is the manifestation of His love for us.
Let us always be thankful and be grateful for everything we have no matter how big or little they are. Remember, God loves us so much!
Conversion of the Heart...the essence of a retreat
Wew! The past few days were too exhausting for me. I’m a busy buzz…too tired because of work in the office and at home plus those superfluous things inside my mind that I cannot help but…hay! I wanted to freak out…shout as in…ahhhhhhhhhh…and the biggest headache of all is WEW! GMA, corruption, struggle for power and economic crisis. Although it’s not something new to us, still it is something to think about. It does not concern only ME…but also YOU! Haaay (again!).
I thought I would have the time to meditate and have my mind rested even for some time. The office had its annual retreat for the employees, but I wasn’t able to take the opportunity to be with them in solitude. I was asked by my director to stay in the office (of course I cannot say NO!) because the need to attend to media inquiries might arise and most probably we have to give media assistance. We have to monitor what is happening around and what is about to happen (because of the present crisis we are facing right now). We also need to wait for any statement coming from the Church. And above all I need to update and upload materials for the website of the Archdiocese of Manila (and it all happened).
Some of my officemates (I mean almost!) said that the retreat was good. They really were in solitude! Did I miss the chance? I cannot answer. Maybe if I see great changes from them, then, I can say that I miss the opportunity. But if they are still the same people I use to know, then I conclude that the essence of the retreat did not sink in their lives. The Holy Spirit did not work in them nor should I say Jesus wasn’t able to enter their hearts.
When do you say that the retreat served its purpose?
A retreat for me is not just a moment of silence, meditation or solitude. It is a time spent with God alone. A retreat is a moment to talk with Him, to give praise and glory, ask for forgiveness and seek petition or help. It is a moment of prayer. It doesn’t matter how good or boring the retreat master is…what matters is that, the things taught, shared and shown during the retreat gave new hope to start living your life according to His will and brought positive changes within yourself and created harmonious relationship with other people. The retreat master is actually Jesus Christ. Whatever the retreat master is saying is what Jesus Christ is actually saying to you. Believe it!
The retreat cleanses the soul. It deepens our faith. It brings changes, making us a better person. It is a renewal. And these things make a retreat very significant (and substantial as well). The retreat does not stop after 2 or 3 days. It goes on and on as long as we apply everything we learned and we keep in mind and heart the things that contributed to the shaping of our attitude and nurturing of our faith.
The Conversion of the Heart
This is the most valuable thing that happens during and after the retreat. The retreat does not serve its purpose if there is no conversion of the heart. The change should first start from us. Let us not go back to our old ways. Let us not stop growing. Conversion of the heart happens if we learn to forgive others despite the pain they caused us. Conversion of the heart is taking away anger and pride from our hearts and let love overflow from within. Conversion of the heart is not rearing envy and jealousy. It will not do any good to you. Conversion of the heart is not blaming others because of your suffering and failures. Rather it is counting your blessings. Conversion of the heart is loving one another and always praying for each other. Conversion of the heart is always keeping Jesus in our mind, heart and life.can also be viewed at