Sunday, March 19, 2006

Daddy's 60th birthday

Last February 26, my dad celebrated his 60th birthday. Being at 60, I believe he had achieved so much in his life. He was able to work hard for his family. He is a good provider and a good father. Well, there is no perfect daddy…he too had his shortcomings but we’ve seen how he battled to have his children a quality education, a decent life and managed to help his children become a better person.

We had a mini celebration on his birthday. All of us were there except for my ate Joy who is in Saudi Arabia. She just gave birth to EIA. Also, Joan was not there because she has a lot of things to do at work but she was able to treat Dad, Mom, Janelle and Nica at a fine resto in Makati. She also gave dad P2K, a nice polo, socks, hanky and brief. The same with ate Joy, he gave dad money.

Tita Helen bought Lechon. Chard and I bought the biggest size of chocolate cake at Goldilocks and 2 half gallons of ice cream and puto. Mommy prepared all the “ulam” that were served. Tita Babes prepared the “pulutan” for the inuman session. Mark and Min bought all the POP Colas that we drunk.

The celebration was simple yet it brought certain joy and happiness to us. And what made it happier was all of his grandchildren were there…playing, running after the other, shouting (magugulo, makukulit, malilikot – but that’s the thought of it!). I wish dad a more meaningful and fruitful year ahead. May he always has his family in his heart…also we thank you for all the things you have done for us…we love you!


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