Monday, July 03, 2006

Christian turns 4

Happy, happy birthday to my handsome nephew, CHRISTIAN. He celebrated his 4th birthday on June 19.
Christian is the constant playmate of my son, Jennard along with Chok and Chop. Every time Christian and his family visit us here in Manila, my son gets excited because he will have time playing with Christian.

BOCHAN or CHAN as we fondly call him is a good boy. Shy wh
en you’ll first look at him, but, like most little boys are, he is playful. My son considers him not just a close cousin but his playmate and best friend for life.

I wish Christian to be an obedient and respectful son to his parents and a loving and caring brother to his siblings.

Again, happy birthday Chan from all of us here in Manila especially from Tito Richard, Tita Jheng and Jennard. We love

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