Friday, May 26, 2006

Palawan Get Away


The employees of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila had their annual summer outing on May 14-15, 2006 at Coron, Palawan.

The original schedule was on May 12-15 but because of typhoon Caloy, the trip was moved on May 14-15. We were scheduled to leave Manila on the eve of May 12. But because of the hazards the typhoon may bring, the scheduled trip was suspended. The management told us that we will leave Manila at 5 in the morning of May 13 and that we have to leave the office going to PIER at 2 a.m. Since there was a time to rest, I went home and planned to go back to the office at 12 midnight. I received text messages from my officemates that the ferry will arrive at 9 a.m. because there was a delay in the schedule. Again, I received a text message that we will leave at 5 in the afternoon and we will leave the office at 3 p.m. So, I prepared myself again. For the last time, another text message was sent to me by Eloisa that it was already confirmed that we have to be in the office at 7 p.m., and we will go to Pier at 8 p.m. to board SUPERFERRY 1. At 5 p.m. I was in the office. I ate dinner with Ate Flor and Precie. I thought the trip will be re-scheduled because the weather was really bad. Ms. Noie came telling us that Msgr. Tantoco gave his blessing that we should go on with our trip. So, at 8 in the evening we left the premises of Arzobispado and we all went to PIER. The PIER was terribly like a hell. Hundreds of people were stranded who were sleeping, resting, lying and roaming around.

At last! We boarded at SUPERFERRY 1 at around 9 in the evening. All the while we thought we will leave Manila before 12 midnight. But there was an announcement as soon as we entered the ferry that we will leave at 2 a.m. (May 14 – Mother’s Day). It was really sad news for me because I was tired that time. I fell asleep and when I woke up we were already sailing. We left Manila (not 2 a.m.) at 4 a.m.


I had mix emotions. It was my first time to ride in a ship and also my first time to go to Palawan. That is why I was really very excited and a little afraid. But my excitement was lessened because of the changing schedule of our trip.

My adventurous mind played the moment I entered the ship. (Wow!) – In my mind, I thought I was entering the ship of dreams – TITANIC – bwahahaha!!! – Superferry 1 lang pala!) They said I should take Bonamine an hour before we go, so, I took one. I wanted to explore the ship. I wanted to find out where the captain is, where the life jackets are placed, what is the feeling when the boat is already sailing, how the sea does looks like when we were in the middle of it. I wanted to find out the other where abouts of the ship. But because of the bad weather, I wasn’t able to roam around the top of the ship where I can stand, put my hands up and say I’m flying!!! (hehehe sounds familiar!) I felt a little dizzy maybe because I am tired and there were giant waves from the sea while we were sailing.


There was news that came out that there was a typhoon heading Manila. The typhoon was named Caloy. Everything was set fine. The employees were all set up for a wonderful and enjoyable outing. Nobody expected that it will affect the schedule of our trip. Then it was raining. Caloy was around. Everyone doubted if the trip will push thru despite the bad weather. Some backed out and chose to stay at home than to risk their lives thinking that the ship might lose track because of the typhoon. But still, some wanted to go on. On May 13, Saturday about 6:30 p.m., an announcement was made by Ms. Noie telling us that Msgr. Tantoco gave his blessing and we will go on with the trip. Some were hesitant while others were joyful.

Then we boarded on the ship. The trip was not good when we were on our way to Palawan. Some of my officemates vomited and felt really dizzy. Some really lied down, rested and slept the whole time. Some got headache while a few felt really very tired. It seems there was an earthquake.

I felt a little dizziness but I was able to tolerate it because I busied myself watching the waves of the sea from a window glass at the lobby of the ship. The trip was too long that made everyone felt restless. And it was really raining hard. The floors of the ship were wet. It was cold. You will really feel the ship was moving up and down breaking all the big waves that were saying hello! There was an emergency in the ship but thanks God we were all safe and alive. We reached Coron, Palawan at exactly 4:30 p.m. of May 14.

When we went home from Palawan, we were sailing smoothly. We all felt good. No vomit, no headache, no dizziness. Everyone was enjoying it. I, too, enjoyed it. That was the time I explored the ship and of course took pictures from the different sites of the ship (of course remembrance – pang friendster ba!). I was there on top, along with my officemates. I felt freedom…I shouted, I jumped and saw the world…I was there, really, I was there!


“Welcome to Superferry, Ma’am!” The warm greeting of one of the crews of the Superferry when we boarded in the ship. The ship was not too big or too small. According to Doc, Superferry 1 is the oldest among the ships. It travels from Manila to Coron, Palawan then to Puerto Princesa. And from Puerto Princesa back to Coron, Palawan then to Manila. The ship sails every Friday.

There is a place called Horizon Café where we took our meals. There is also the canteen where we bought snacks and other stuff. Inside the canteen is the videoke bar where anyone can showcase his/her singing prowess.

The ferry has three accommodations. The Cabin (top most part), a room where there is privacy and comfort, the Tourist (middle part) where it accommodates at least 8 persons in a row and the Economy (lower part) where you can mingle with everyone.

The clinic is located beside the Horizon Café facing the information center at the lobby where anyone can have a consultation or ask for assistance in terms of health problems.

There is also the information center located at the lobby. People can also ask for assistance about the different locations inside the ship and a place where anyone can rest, relax and have a chat.

There are other places inside the ship but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see those.


The crews of Superferry 1 were all very warm and were very accommodating. They gladly assisted us in all of our needs and answered every question we asked from them.

We were able to converse with a few of the crews. At the lobby, we talked with Lannie, the pretty girl at the reception area. Dennis Cruz, the hotel manager, was also very helpful to us and once in a while he ensures our situation. Also, the friendly and helpful doctor (unfortunately, after a long conversation, I wasn’t able to have his name) who I had a long conversation with and found out that we were both THOMASIANS (Long live! mga Tomasino!).

These guys made our stay/trip inside the ship a little relaxing and enjoying. Thanks huh!


When we reached Coron, we were welcomed by the people from the VILLAGE LODGE, the place where we stayed during our trip. The place was owned by the auntie of Ms. Edith Dabuit (of La Loma Cemetery). They welcomed us by providing food (puto, kutsinta, fried banana and a glass of iced tea).

The keys to our rooms were distributed to us as soon as we arrived. My roommates were Ate Flor (tarantacious), Ms. Precie (hilocious) and Ms. Emcee (tulogacious). There were 4 beds, each with pillow and mattress, a towel, an electric fan, an aircon, a set of cabinet, mirror, comfort room and other decorations.

Inside the Lodge is a garden where there were tables and chairs surrounded by green plants. There is also a function room where the Eucharistic celebration was held and where we had our meals.

There is also a bar which is very cozy and hip suited for yuppies like us (sorry mga old ones – bwahahah!). In front of the lodge is a store where we bought souvenir items of Palawan – shirts, keychains, caps, clips, etc.

We were served with meals/foods that were very ordinary (my personal opinion). I was hoping for a different menu since the place is known for sea foods. I was imaging there would fresh foods – big fish (kahit tilapia lang), shrimp (kahit di na sugpo) – Was I expecting too much? – My officemates had the same sentiments. But, in fairness, the desserts were delicious – buko pandan and fruit salad!

THE OUTING (Activities)

We reached Palawan at 4:30 p.m. of May 14. From Palawan PIER, we all went to the Village Lodge, had our merienda, then rested and after a while celebrated the Holy Eucharist followed by our dinner.

At 8 p.m. the group immediately went to the Hot Spring – where the natural heat of the water is produce by a volcano. Going there was too fearful because the roads were dark and slippery and we were just riding a tricycle. After going to the Hot Spring we all went back to the lodge and laid our backs to the bed and sleep for a busy schedule awaits us the following day.

Early morning, some of our officemates climbed Mt. Tupas where you can see the amazing view of Coron (top view). On top of the mountain is a huge cross. There are 145 steps going up the mountain.

At 9 a.m., we went all the way to our island hopping where we rode a bangka (that time I was wearing my life vest – yeheey!!!) that took us to Kayangan Lake. The water was clear and bluish green. We climbed up the rocky mountain and then went down. At last there was the lake. Everybody was excited to go swimming so, some submerged into the water. After a few minutes everybody was called to go to the next island. We went to Atuayan Island where we took our lunch and went on swimming, then to the Twin Lagoon. Finally we all went back to our cottage and rested. After a few hours we went our way and bought souvenir items and other pasalubong like daing, besugo, kasoy, etc. for our families and friends.

We took our dinner and rested for a while. I joined the group of Dhang where we enjoyed the remaining hours having fun – videoke – sing-a-long.

Then, everybody was packing and preparing things for our departure from Coron. Then, we went to PIER where Superferry 1 (the same ship we boarded going to Coron) was waiting for us. And before 12 midnight, we bid goodbye to Coron.

We were in Manila at 11 a.m. of May 15.


Shit! May fire sa tourist, cried a man with a dark complexion and a kinky hair.

I was sitting alone at the lobby area because Eloi and Emcee went to the comfort room near the Cabin section. I was texting when I heard that there was a fire at the tourist section (the area where RCAM employees were assigned). I didn’t mind for I thought it was just a plain joke. Then, there came another man saying
“may sunog sa tourist, may sunog.” I looked at the guy to see if he was joking or not (mukhang hindi naman).
I was still sitting when I heard one of the crews saying
“may sunog sa tourist!” I saw a smoke from the glass door coming from downstairs so I stood up and looked at the crews coming up and down the ladder assisting and giving instructions to the passengers. I was stuck in the place where I stood not knowing what to do. I can’t move a single step. I want to run down the tourist to get my life vest but they instructed me “Ma’am wag po kayo bumaba. Wag po tayo mag-panic.” I remembered Emcee and Eloi were inside the comfort room so I run to them and told them “Ems, may sunog daw sa tourist.” Emcee was brushing her tooth but we immediately went out of the room and Emcee was about to get our life jackets but she saw the smoke and the crew didn’t allow her to go down. Everybody was in panic. The emergency bell rang and announcements were made.

The crews repeatedly shouted “katukin nyo lahat ng nasa Cabin, katukin nyo.” Emcee and I went all the way knocking at each door of the cabin. We knocked at each door of the cabin asking them “may extra life vest pa kayo, pahingi kami.” We asked from the crew if there were extra life vest and they said “tignan nyo sa mga empty cabins, kunin nyo.” But the empty cabins were locked. We went to the room of one of our officemates (who upgraded their accommodations from tourist to cabin) and we asked for an extra life vest. One of the boys replied “saktong apat lang eh.” We were helpless that time and everybody was in panic and they were all wearing their life vests.

I was afraid and I told Emcee
“shit, Ems, wala tayong life vest.” I saw another officemate and asked him if he has an extra life vest in their room but he didn’t mind me, instead, he run to the hallway until he reached the empty space at the roof top. We went to the room of the military and asked for an extra life vest. The man was holding his life vest tightly and told us “tignan nyo na lang dyan sa ilalim ng kama kung meron pa.”

We didn’t have a life vest until everybody was placed at the roof top of the ship. I was really worried and I was telling Ems “Ems, wala tayong life vest” (I thought – paano yan pag tatalon na sa dagat! Huhuhu!!!!). Until one crew came in carrying 2 life jackets. I grabbed it immediately and gave the other one to Emcee – my constant companion during that time (thanks EMCEE!). I was tired and I felt helpless and restless. I felt afraid that time. I sat beside ate Regie and told her “Ate Reg, paki-ayos naman tong life vest ko.” Ate Regie fixed it and I was terribly out of my mind. I looked around and saw my shipmates were crying. Some were praying while some were terribly full of fear. We were at the middle of the open sea where you can’t see a single island. Waters and big waves filled our sights. I said to myself – “Diyos ko mabubuhay pa ba ako pag tumalon na ako sa dagat na ito?” Of course I prayed to God but that was the second time I felt I’m going to die. I thought of Richard and Jennard. I held Emcee’s hand tight and told her “Ems, ayoko pang mamatay” and tears slowly fell from my eyes.

Afterwards, there was an announcement that everything was under control and we were requested to stay calm and be back to our places. We didn’t go to tourist section because they were cleaning up the mess produced by the fire extinguisher. When everything was okay, I saw some of my officemates and asked them how were Ate Flor and Precie? My pals and I stayed the whole time at the lobby area until we reached Coron.


Every employee has his/her story to tell. For me, another experience was added to my collection. I have learned a few things on that incident. I learned that during moments like that, there were people who think only of themselves because you want to be saved because they have a family out there waiting. Sometimes we need to be selfish (though you want to extend help to those who are in need) to others because there is a reason (but it is understood). And the reason is not because we love only ourselves but because we love our families.

Also, during that time where you think only of yourself, still, there are people who are willing to be with you even though his/her life is also at risk. Still, there is a Good Samaritan who stays beside you when you are no longer in control of yourself. Still, there is a friend who holds your hand and says “I am here.”

In an emergency like this, I realized that I should not panic. Always have presence of mind so that you will know what the right thing to do is. Follow instructions from the crew, surely, they know what to do.

Don’t forget to pray. He is always listening and watching us. I believe it is another test how much faith we have in Him. If He allows bad things to happen, certainly, there is a reason. If you feel you won’t be saved, leave everything to the Lord and He will lead way.


It was Mother’s Day when we were traveling. It was Mother’s Day when the fire in the ship broke out. It was Mother’s day when I thought I will die. Wheeww! Life goes on and that’s how I spent Mother’s Day! I didn’t tell my family what happened for I don’t want them to worry about me. I told them when I reached home.

I called and greeted my mom, my sisters, my mom-in-law and special friends a Happy Mother’s Day. True friends texted me while others sent email messages.

ASSESSMENT (my personal opinion)

Honestly speaking, I wasn’t able to really enjoy the outing. In the first place, I was tired of the trip. The activities set for two days were lined up in a day – sobrang bitin…the reason why I wasn’t able to see and enjoy the beauty of Coron, Palawan. It did not meet my expectation. The lodge was good but the foods served were very ordinary.


When the trip was re-scheduled for several times, I was hesitant because the weather was not fine because Caloy was already in Manila. Jennard was telling me before I left home “Mommy, wag ka sumakay sa barko, may bagyo lulubog yun, sige na Mommy.” My Mother was also telling me “O, tutuloy pa ba kayo nyan? May bagyo ah, baka mapano kayo nyan.” The same thing my Apo told me “Hindi pa kayo nakakaalis? Sinabi na wag ka nang sumama, maraming lumulubog na barko kapag ganitong bumabagyo.”

But when we were gathered at the office canteen, I was a little relieved by the words of Ms. Noie, telling us that Msgr. Tantoco gave his blessings that we shall go. Ate Silvia, as well added that, we will not pass through Mindoro (where typhoon Caloy also passed through), instead, the ship will have a re-routing. Having heard those words, I knew, they know what to do and that they will not put the employee’s lives in danger.

We trusted them.

We went on the trip even though the rain was pouring heavy. It was risky, really. But that was the decision of the management. Unexpectedly, an emergency blew up. Was it a sign that we shouldn’t go? Life is precious, isn’t it? In this case, no one blames anyone.

There are two things here: first, the management may have decided to re-schedule the trip considering of the weather situation even though the employees insisted to go. Here, we value life more than anything else. Second, the management may have decided to go on with the trip even though there were hesitations on the part of the employees regardless of the typhoon (maybe) because reservation at Palawan was already settled or there were signals and permissions from the right persons who very well know the weather situation, etc.

It’s management decision whether to go or not to go, the employees have one thing to do…follow the decision.

In our case, the decision is final. “We all go to Palawan.”

Talks in the office about what happened to us are still very much in the air. What if we all died in that incident? What if the ship was seriously on fire? What will happen? What will happen to us? What will happen to our families? (just asking)

We don’t blame anyone here. What I’m saying is, maybe if the outing was planned properly (knowing all the pros and cons, the positive and negative, the advantages and disadvantages), then, everything might result well. I remember what the doctor in the ship told me that he was wondering why we pursued the trip because he said there were 600 passengers who backed out afraid of what might happen as the boat is sailing with typhoon Caloy in the air. If we thought of the welfare, the security and comfort of the employees, then maybe, we all enjoyed the trip and the outing as well. I know nobody wants it to happen. Nobody wants to put anyone’s life at risk.

The trip was over. Something emergency happened. The outing was finished. And we can’t bring it back. Those were part of history and part of our lives. If the chismisan, bulungan or chickahan doesn’t stop, I believe the experience is really unforgettable. Or maybe the rest of the employees are just pouring their sentiments (anyway, this is a free country).

The good thing is the Lord loves us because no one got hurt, we are still alive and back into the arms of our families. Let us be thankful for that.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! (better late than never!)

Cheers to all the mothers out there who unselfishly give themselves to their children. I salute those mothers who will do everything and anything for the sake and future of their children. And of course, I admire those mothers who choose to be upright in everything they do even though life is full of struggles and strifes.

To my Mother who always wants to give and bring out the best in her children, we love you and we appreciate everything you did for us.
A mom who always wishes for a bright future for her kids.
A mom who strives hard to attend to all the needs of her family.
An unselfish, caring, loving, supportive and understanding MomThank you very much! Cheers to you!!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all! (To Mommy, Nanay Ampy, ate Joy, Jaramine, Tita Babes, Tita Linda, Mom Rem, Ma’am Peachy, Ms. Precie, Shane, Ate Vangie, Mommy Ester Bartolome, Ate 2T, Marie, sa Machiba na mga nanay na, sa Empire na nanay na rin…at sa lahat lahat ng mga nanay sa buong mundo…Happy Mother’s Day!)

*** I would also like to say thank you for all those who greeted me through text message, email, who called me through celfone, and for those who kissed and embraced me just to greet a Happy Mother’s Day…also thanks sa mga nagpost ng message sa friendster! Salamat ng very biggie!!!)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

He is Richard (a.k.a SHRIMP)

Last April 18, my Shrimpy celebrated his 30th birthday (O my gosh! You’re already thirty!-I’m revealing your age…hahahaha!) We celebrated it in the simplest way by preparing a merienda – spaghetti, cake, ice cream, salad and puto. All of us were there and sing along with our extreme magic sing! (happy birthday Chard!) – You’ve grown a year older again…more luck, success, love and peace!


Time flies so fast. I never thought nor did I imagine that I will meet this guy. I never thought I’ll be close to him. He was my officemate. He is attractive, yes I admit. He is actually the ideal guy (tall, white complexion and of course, handsome! – wow naman, pagbigyan…birthday eh!). He had his own circle of friends and I too, had my own. I admire him because he has stands 5’10” tall and he has a good body built. Even I admire him, I do not show nor make the first move or be showy to him that I like him (di ba Eloisa Sajul – this girl knows our story very well). But of course, who would not take notice of a pretty lass like me (bwahahaha – kapal ko noh!)


Now that he is 30, I know he wanted to be more matured and responsible to himself as well as to his family. Being the head of the family, Chard always strive hard to become a good provider, a loving father to Jennard and a sweet husband to his Fish.

Raising a family in this day and age is truly very hard and one must really be practical in everything he does. And Chard, knows this a lot. He doesn’t mind how hard or stressful life can be as long as he gives his family a comfortable and decent living. When financial problems arise, he never loses hope how he can feed our hungry stomachs and he makes his way to solve it.

He is brave and tough but he has a caring and soft heart. I feel secure every time I am with him. He will never leave you and he stands for what he believes is right. He admits when he is wrong and never fails to say sorry when he commits mistakes.

He is unselfish. He gives more than he can give. His priority is his family. He makes sure he has time for his family. He offers everything for his family. He plays with Jennard. He consulted his problems with me and when he is problematic, he confides with me.

He is sweet, very, very sweet – his trait that made me fall for him (I remember those days!)

We fight and we argue (from the biggest to smallest details, from intellectual to non-sense) and even reached the point of provoking him a separation (but it never happens, and I wish it will not happen!) Because he loves and values his family so much, he never allows misunderstanding and miscommunications to take long. He makes the move to bridge it.

He is not the perfect guy. He also caused me pain. He gets mad at me when I am stubborn. He gets angry with me when he talks/speaks to me and I don’t answer (as in deadma). And when he feels he will erupt, he will simply get out from the house with his scooter (of course!). And when he comes back he already mellowed down. He believes in a dialogue. He always wants to settle things in a peaceful talk.

I’ve said so much about Shrimp (ooopsss, I seldom call him Chard or Richard…I call him Shrimp!) and you’ll hear more from me soon….

Before I forgot, I just want to say this to you Shrimp that I love you and Jennard so much. I always believe in you. I will always support you and I am just around. What I feel for you is still the same feeling I have from the very first time that we knew each other up to this minute. There had been so many things that tested that feeling, but it never change. I always trust you. I am hoping and praying that we will spend our lives together until we grow old.