Monday, December 04, 2006

I was there for you

I was there accompanying you
when you felt like everybody hates you.

I was there supporting you,
standing right next to you
when other people criticized you.

I was there listening to you
when you cried out your sentiments and pain.

I was there making you smile
giving a tap on your shoulder
when you felt that life is bitter and unfair.

I was there comforting you,
showing you that I care,
when everybody left you
coz no one wants to befriend you.

I was there giving you wisdom
when you’re tired of understanding
life’s journey and suffering.

I was there trying hard
to make you understand
the reason of your existence.

I was there trying to open your eyes
to see the beauty of others
and making you learn
the truevalue of appreciation.

I was there making things
lighter and easier for you
when you felt like almost giving up.

I was your voice
when you felt like being quiet
when others said nasty words against you.

I was there like an Evangelizer
spreading the good traits
they can see in you,
convincing them that you are good, too.

I was there constantly reminding you
that you cannot live by yourself alone,
that you have to come out from your shell and interact.

I was there always believing
that there is good in you
and I never got tired of understanding your weaknesses.

I was there when you commit victory
and I was also there with you
when you faced defeat.

I was there for you as a sister,
an adviser,
a friend,
and a family
that treasured you for what you are
and not for what you have.

I was there…
I was always there…
I was always there for you.

Accepting you for what you are,
for what you’ll become,
for what you want to be.

I never left you.
I was always at your side.
Even there were times

that I know I will enjoy with the company of others,
I never left you.
I chose to be with you

because I know you need someone
to be there beside you.


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