Congrats Nica!
Nica has just graduated from her elementary years. Finally, it was over! And now she is about to enter her high school life. I bet she is excited now!
This ti
me, Nica had proven to herself and to the girls of her age that she is a Good and Bright student. She is consistently a member of the star section where intelligent and diligent students excel.
She was able to accomplish her elementary years with pride and joy. All the efforts and labor of studying hard had bore its fruits. And she will take with her all those things as she enters the exciting and memorable years of being a high school student.
With her determination, courage and positive outlook in life, I am very sure that Nica will always do extremely well in all her responsibilities.
Just always trust the Lord and don’t forget to look back to those people (especially Daddy and Mommy – the very reason why you are here on earth and why you are able to study) and thank them for all their help and support. Most especially do not neglect to glorify and praise the Lord for all the wonderful things that happened in your life…(remember what you told me last time that the Lord is always answering your prayers…) so be good always!
Cheers to my kind, humble and obedient sister! Cheers to Nica!
Congratulations and Good luck!Smile! The world is beautiful!
AT 29
Time flies really fast. I just turned 29 last March 27. I can’t believe it! I’m 29! ( I don’t feel like 29 --- and I don’t look 29 --- hahhaha!!!! --- I bet Nica will disagree…but this is MY BLOG, okei! I feel like I am still in my youth…I’m young at heart! Hoooray!!!!!!
Seriously, I again entered a new chapter of my life, a new start, a new beginning of another journey. I consider each year that has been added to my life a blessing from God. It is a miracle that despite of all the perils around and the cost of living today, still I am alive and continue fighting and surviving against life’s difficulties and hardships.
At 29, I would like to say that there are so many things that happened in my life and those made my life colorful and meaningful. I have done a few good things in my life as well as to the lives of other people. I know I had traced a smile on other people’s face and had brought joy in their hearts.
But also, I had undergone so much pain and lots of sufferings. I’ve been through a stressful life and I’ve seen myself in various dilemmas. There were times that I had nowhere to
go and nowhere to run. And all I have to do is cry and hold on to my faith. Life is really hard. I know the biggest and hardest problems have yet to come…but I am always praying to the Lord that it would never come. I ask Him not to give me burden I cannot carry.
At 29, I knew and felt that life today is not easy and fine like before. One thing I learned in life is to always keep on believing that God knows what’s good for us. He gives us problems to test how deep our faith to Him. He allows us to suffer to know how strong are we? All the things that cause us pain will never end. They add spice to life.
At 29, I learned that facing problems is a matter of attitude. If we think that we can surpass them all, we will. Be optimistic in life. Suffering, hardships, trials, burden, disappointments, depression, rejection and pain are all but part of this thing called life. We should always stand up if we fall and always try hard if we fail. We cannot please everybody. There are people who will always criticize you…who will always look for what you cannot do. At times, they find fault with your deeds. (The hell…who cares about them…I have a life of my own and I know I am different from them!)
Remember there is always another side of life. There is beauty in life. If you look around you will see a lot of them. You yourself is a manifestation of life’s beauty. Just always count your blessings and believe me you’ll never stop counting for they are endless.
At 29, I would like to continue the battle of my life. And I know t
hat life will offer me many beautiful things. I have my family and they are enough reason for me why I should be very strong and firm. They are my strength and I live for them because I love them so much!
At 29, I never stop dreaming. I never stop believing that life will always be beautiful. I never get off my grip with the hands of the LORD. I always hold on to Him. I never stop learning. I know that many good and bad things will surely cross my road, but they don’t matter to me as long as they make me a better person. A person with principle, a person that is tough and a person with a heart.
I want to soar high and I have big plans for my FAMILY (dad, mom, the rest of my sisters, and those who are dear and close to me) most especially to my SHRIMPY AND BAMSTER! They are the most precious jewels that I have. And I am thankful to God for having them in my life.